Sara Rampazzi

Assistant Professor · Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
University of Florida · srampazzi at

My research areas include cyber-phyisical system security, embedded systems design, modeling, and simulation with applications in Healthcare, Automotive, and the Internet of Things. I investigate security risks to design reliable devices.

I'm always searching for talented students for my cybersecurity lab at University of Florida at Gainesville. If you are not at student at the University of Florida and you are interested in my research, please apply to the program!

Proud to be part of, a volunteer collective of amazing scientists, engineers, and clinicians across US, with the goal to help to disseminate scientific information about N95 masks decontamination during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay healthy, stay safe!

Are you a First Gen Engineer student and you need advice, mentorship, or just a Zoom chat? Email me with the subject "First Gen mentoring"

Useful links:
Latest updated CV
Florida Institute of Cybersecurity Research (FICS)
UF CISE Department
Warren B. Nelms Institute Faculty highlight

Last updates & News:


The complete list is available in my latest updated CV or Google Scholar





Detection device of molecular compounds based on Surface Plasmon Resonance

Sara Rampazzi, Francesco Leporati, Giovanni Danese, Nelson Nazzicari, Lucia Fornasari, Franco Marabelli, Andrea Valsesia.
European patent #IT2013MI01345 20130806. Priority 2013. Issued 2015.

Invited talks & seminars

Industry Experience

Firmware developer

Client: Blue Danube Inc.
Project: Firmware and software developer for smart antenna based wireless network.

Oct 2016 - Jul 2017

Software engineer consultant

Client: Leonardo S.p.A. - Space division
Project: Embedded software developer for the spacecraft EUCLID Command and Data Handling system and orbit control.

Client: Magneti Marelli (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Group)
Project: Model-based design engineer for HMI (Human-Machine Interface) in automotive cluster area.

Feb 2015 - Sept 2016


Explore Sara Rampazzi's laboratory research areas HERE

Academic Appointments

Assistant Professor

University of Florida, Gainesville - CISE Dept.
Jan 2021 - Present

Research Investigator

University of Michigan, EECS Dept. CSE Division - SPQR Lab
Feb 2018 - Dec 2020

Intermittent Lecturer

University of Michigan, EECS Dept. - CSE Division
Jan 2019 - Present

Computer Science Research Affiliate

University of Michigan, EECS Dept. CSE Division - SPQR Lab
Aug 2017 - Jan 2018

Visiting Researcher

Univ. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Institute for Applied Microelectronics
Spring 2014

Postdoc Fellow

University of Pavia, CS Dept - CCPS Lab
Jan 2014 - Jan 2015




Instructor of record

Teaching assistant and tutor


University of Pavia

PhD in Electronics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Dissertation title: Embedded system for Lab-On-Chip biosensors

University of Pavia

MEng in Computer Science Engineering

University of Pavia

BS in Computer Science Engineering

Mentoring & Advising activity

Computer Engineering Undergraduate Advisor

University of Michigan, Advising Office
Jan 2019 - May 2019

Mentor for the First Generation Engineering Program

University of Michigan, 1st Gen Engin
Nov 2018 - Dec 2020

Society of Women Engineers Summer Camp Mentor

University of Michigan, SWE SEE Camp
Summer 2018

IEEE Student Branch Computer Science Area Advisor

University of Pavia, IEEE Pavia Student Branch

Service to profession

Organization Committee of:

NSF SaTC grant proposal review panelist

Security consultant for Archimedes

Center of Medical Device Security
2018 - 2020